Matthew Lovegrove



grist mill flour

awkward mindwork
remembering two lives
imagine born again
do you want cream
for your coffee -

and prices
if your past life
was ancient
can be confusing

a $2.99 loaf of bread
astounds some deep
of grist mill flour
horse drawn journey
that ends
fording a swollen river
the spring rain swells

then here you are
as well spending
$10 on avocado toast
some part of you thinks
this is too much to bear

what even
is an avocado?



empathy limit

to inhabit

other people’s lives

to feel if you’re

doing it right

different from

the start

your sight

becomes mine

your breath

is my breath

your touch

from my hands

your mortgage –

well, we can

talk about it



small epiphanies

i. this voice

When I step to the mic

and speak the words

I have written

in this voice

you know it’s poetry


ii. not missing you

Used to eat eggs

two a day, everyday

until I read the report

don’t miss them as much

as I thought I would



Matthew Lovegrove lives in the traditional, unceded territory of the Skwxwú7mesh Nation, works as a Curator in a small-town museum, and releases folk albums under the name woodland telegraph. His work has appeared in Red Alder Review, Train: a poetry journal, Dwelling Literary, Daily Drunk Magazine, and elsewhere. Send help, learning to twitter @mwlovegrove